Hello! I’m Allison Poon

I’m a passionate designer with a flair for transforming ideas into visually stunning and user-friendly digital experiences. Welcome to my portfolio!

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& Johnson

At Johnson & Johnson, I contributed to various projects within the Digital Experience Design team, including a women’s pregnancy app, the Women in STEM program, and homepage layout explorations. I gained hands-on experience in wire-framing, prototyping, interaction design, usability testing, information architecture, and developing user personas, all of which enhanced my UX capabilities. 

J&J’s WISTEM2D program

Johnson & Johnson's Women in STEM program supports both emerging and returning professionals, but its reach was limited, with many discovering it only through word of mouth. Our mission was to enhance the application experience and revamp the program's branding to increase its visibility and impact.

We analyzed the existing state of J&J’s WISTEM2D program and navigated the process using our user personas. Our findings revealed that accessing information about the program was challenging and needed improvement.

We recommended creating distinct homepages for graduates and undergraduates to deliver more tailored information for each user group.

Alongside the website redesign, we proposed introducing merchandise, recognizing that many of our users are in college or university. This strategy aimed to increase the program's visibility and inspire more applications by leveraging campus culture.

Redefining my design approach

Entering the internship with a budding interest in UI/UX but limited knowledge of flows, prototyping, and UX principles, I gained invaluable insights into designing with the user in mind. I learned to focus beyond aesthetics, considering how design can genuinely enhance user experiences. The DxD team’s mentorship has profoundly reshaped my approach to design, and I’m deeply grateful for the opportunity to learn from them.